Practice Reading With Your Kids

Achieve mastery through practice

Here kids can read short, fun and audio-enabled books without feeling pressured to do it.
5 minutes every day is all it takes.

Best for ages 3–8
Curated Books That Grow With Your Child's Ability

Simple no-tricks pricing

Pay once and get access to all the materials available today and all the new digital content.

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Lifetime membership

When you join you get more than just unlimited access to digital books for kids, you join a community of like-minded parents that want to create unique quality content for our children.

What is included

  • No effort on your part. We make the books, you just read them.
  • No special hardware or software required, works in the browser.
  • No need to waste time walking to the library, all the books are available instantly.
  • No clutter in your house, all the books are digital.
  • No complex choices of grades and levels and subjects, just read what you like.
  • One simple price, and no strings attached.
  • Less than $1 per day if you read for more than a year.

Pay once, own it forever


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A Better Experience

How it works

Reading with your child should not be a chore. We make it easy and fun, so you can spend time together without the stress of teaching, or choices, or fiddling with technology. It just works and it works well.

Available Instantly.
Sign up and you are ready to read. No need to wait for anything to arrive in the mail, no downloads, no apps. Just open the browser, pick a book and you are reading!
Books That Talk.
If your child does not know how to read a word, they can click on it and the book will enunciate it out loud. Each child is unique, and we support that. Now they can practice reading on their own, without your help. They can read books that are above their reading level, or just practice the words they already know.
Unlimited Options.
New books are added every week. We have a wide variety of options, from simple to complex, from funny to serious, from picture books to long stories. You can read a new book every day, or read the same book every day. It is up to you. What is most important is to start now.
SmartyStory How It WorksSmartyStory How It Works

Frequently asked questions